Purpose to serve God
Message from the Athletic Director
Dear Players and Parents,
First of all, thank you for allowing your son/daughter to play ball at FACS. It is our desire and goal to provide quality athletics in a Christ centered environment. FACS exists by virtue of the calling of God and we do not take lightly the responsibility entrusted to us by the Lord and you parents. Though all believers are works in progress, we do recognize that leaders are held to a stricter judgment. As those who have been called to lead students, we realize that our ultimate purpose is to example a walk with Christ in everything we do.
As you know, it is not always an easy task to maintain a Christ like attitude in the heat of competition. We all like to win, we practice to win not lose, and we believe that maximum effort is necessary to be successful in all endeavors including athletics. After all, Jesus went all the way to the cross. He finished the work His Father gave Him to do, and we are called to do the same. And yet, football, basketball, volleyball, baseball and softball are sports to be enjoyed, they are supposed to be fun, an opportunity to share the love of Christ, encourage each other's faith and provoke the unbeliever to jealousy, so that they will want what we have, a relationship with the King of Kings.
Our philosophy and etiquette as a Christian school is to always strive for anointed excellence. Thus, we solicit your help in the following areas,
1. All game schedules can be found on the school website at www.facslions.org. Also
posted on the website will be directions to all away games. As we receive that
information we will pass it on.
2. Player fees and due dates will be given at the organization meeting prior to the first
practice of the given sport.
3. Commitment to a team is vital for participation. When a player misses practice, displays a
negative attitude, or becomes involved in behavior contrary to the standards of First Assembly Christian School the whole team and ministry suffer. Each head coach of his or her respective sport will have their own team rules that apply to their sport to help facilitate a positive and balanced program.
**The rules stated below will apply to all sports and will be adhered to without respect to the individual sport.
1. Failure to make practice without prior knowledge and or consent of the head coach
carries a potential 1 game suspension and added discipline at the head coach's discretion. Please encourage your student athlete to always inform the coaches personally in advance in the event of having to miss a scheduled practice or game. We understand that life happens, learning to take personal responsibility will also benefit them greatly down the road.
2. School absence on game day or practice prohibits the athlete from competing that day or
night so as to insure the physical safety and wellbeing of the student athlete.
3. Academic standards as imposed by the conference and this institution will be strictly adhered to ensuring academic integrity. All student athletes are required to make up any
missed work due to game travel.
4. In the event the team bus/van arrives back on campus after 11pm after a road game, the
student athlete will not be required to arrive on campus until 9am the following morning.
5. Student athletes are required to remove all book bags and apparel from the FACS
building prior to leaving for games.
6. In the event an athlete is injured during the contest but the injury does not warrant them
being taken to a medical facility, that player must remain on the bench unless arrangements have been made with the head coach.
In closing, as Christians who are competing with and against fellow Christians, we encourage and ask that all players, families and fans please refrain from cheering against our opponent but rather cheer for the FACS Lions. This includes yelling at and or booing the officials, making noises when the other team is on foul line, or in the batter's box etc. and other acts that violate Christian ethics. After all, we aren't enemies but a brotherhood. This provides a spiritual atmosphere where the abundant life in Christ is enjoyed, and we could all use a little more of that these days.
Go Lions!
Keith Jones, FACS Athletic Director